Male students enrolled in Rock City will receive 50% discount on their monthly tuition.
Families who have 1 or more students enrolled in Rock City will receive the 20% family discount on their monthly tuition. Only one discount may be used per family.

At RCDC tuition is an annual fee, based on 30 weeks of class. For the convenience of our families we collect this in 9 equal payments, payable on the first of every month September - May. Your commitment to Rock City Dance Center includes keeping your account balances current. All classes must be paid for in advance.
Your recreational investment includes annual registration fee, monthly class tuition and recital tuition.​​ All Inclusive recital tuition: one costume + tights, one t-shirt, one award, all production related expenses and media fees (pictures/video). Registration & Recital tuition pricing can be found in each class description in our registration system.
Tuition is paid by monthly credit/debit card draft on the 1st of each month. The credit card information you entered when you registered will be used to pay your tuition and fees at Rock City Dance Center. After your account is approved, registration and tuition fees will be charged. All recurring tuition fees are drafted on the 1st of every month. You may change your card at anytime by logging into the customer portal or at the RCDC Front Desk.
A $15 late fee will be applied on the 10th of each month if tuition & fees are not paid in full. ​
Registration fee, tuition, and recital tuition are non-refundable. There are NO refunds for missed or dropped classes. Tuition is based on enrollment not attendance.
Little Rock: RCDC will follow the Little Rock School District's inclement weather policy. If LRSD is closed RCDC is closed. If conditions improve during the day we may open. Please check the website, Facebook, Instagram, for the most up to date information.
Conway: RCDC will follow the Conway School District's inclement weather policy. If CPS is closed RCDC is closed. If conditions improve during the day we may open. Please check the website, Facebook, Instagram, for the most up to date information.
Class attendance is essential and determines the success of a dancer's progress, sense of accomplishment, technical development and confidence. Absences become critical leading up to the recital, not only for the student but also for fellow dancers. Please partner with us at Rock City Dance Center by remaining commmitted throughout the full nine month school year. If your child will be absent for any reason, please notify the studio by phone or email.
You may withdraw from classes at anytime at Rock City Dance Center. Drop requests must be submitted in WRITING and must be received by the RCDC office before the 1st of the month. If we do not receive the written request, tuition will continue to be billed.
Pleasant Ridge Town Center
11525 Cantrell Rd, Suite 105
Little Rock, AR 72212